Nissan Skyline GTR (2012)
El Nissan Skyline GTR es el máximo exponente en vehículos deportivos japoneses.
Con su increible motor biturbo con 550CV, tracción 4x4 inteligente, es capaz de plantarle a cara a deportivos que triplican su precio de compra.
Su espectacular motor es montado por los mejores ingenieros de la marca en unas instalaciones estancas, libres de polvo y contaminantes.
Su display proviene directamente de las carreras virtuales, con cuadro de mandos digital que ofrece innumerables funciones.
Este modelo es el acabado PREMIUM que sacó la marca, antes de la versión NISMO y TRACK PACK. Su estado general es excelente y su kilometraje tan bajo es garantía de disfrute por muchos años todavía.
Como equipamiento extra lleva instalado un escape de altas prestaciones de la marca Akrapovic, que ofrece 25CV extras.
The Nissan Skyline GTR is the highest expression of Japanese sportscars.
With its incredible 550CV biturbo engine, intelligent 4x4, it is able to stand up to other sportscars that are three times its price.
Its spectacular engine is installed by the brands best engineers in facilities which are free of dust and pollutants.
Its display comes directly from virtual races, with a digital dash which offers innumerable functions.
This car is a PREMIUM (the top of the line trim) offered by the brand, before the NISMO and TRACK PACK versions came out. This is an overall excellently well kept car, and together with its very low kilometers will give you the chance to enjoy it for many years to come.
As an additional feature, it hasan an Akrapovic high-performance exhaust installed, which offers 25CV extra.
2012 | |
24.000km | |
Gasolina | |
Azul Metal | |
Automatico | |
550CV | |
85.000€ |